Look at Nick in sitting this tree!

In 2003, mommy,
grammy and Nick planted this tree. The little stick in the middle of the circle is the tree.

The next year, in 2004, the tree was bigger than Nick.

In 2005 the tree was as big as our house.

In 2006 there were so many big leaves we could hide behind them.

In 2007 the tree cast shade on our new porch.

In 2008 Nick wanted to climb the tree but mommy said no. Nick would stand on the porch railing and try to reach up to the top of the tree.

But now the tree is strong enough for Nick to climb. Mommy told Nick not to climb too high, but Nick seems happy enough to sit up in the branches and look down at Long Beach.
Oh WOW, my Nick climbing the Nicholas tree, your grandfather Nick would be so proud. Was it that long ago that we planted the tree how time go so fast.
I love it, made my afternoon seeing this blog!! I miss you guys so much! Give nickster a hug for me
I can't believe how big the tree has grown! Amazing!
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