Today is mommy's birthday. Mommy told Nick, "grammy is coming to visit today, and the three of us will go to the Flower Show at Hicks Nurseries.
When grammy arrived mommy and Nick were still doing housework. Mommy showed Nick how to clean windows and Nick cleaned the big window on the inside and the outside of the house.
Then we went to Hick Nurseries. Nick was happy in the car, he had a big smile on his face when we drove into the parking lot.
When grammy arrived mommy and Nick were still doing housework. Mommy showed Nick how to clean windows and Nick cleaned the big window on the inside and the outside of the house.
We walked around and looked at flowers and plants. Grammy said to Nick, "let's pick out a flower for mommy. What color do you like?" Nick said "purple," so grammy and Nick picked out purple Pansie flowers.