Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentine's Day

Ever since early January, after the Christmas tree went outside, Nick has said, "January done, February coming soon."

Nick bought new gem gels and put them on the window. Then Nick started preparing for the Valentine's Day holiday.

One day mommy went into the kitchen and found this paper taped to the refrigerator.

And then one night mommy was cleaning up in the house and found this on the table.

Then Nick came home from school with this paper.

And over the weeks Nick has been collecting Valentine's decorations from the craft store, he has a "shrine" that keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Mommy said, "Wow, we have a lot of Valentine's Day decorations! What will you do in March, will you celebrate mommy's birthday?"

Nick looked at his calendar and said, "March, St. Patrick's Day."


Grammy said...

Thank you Nick for your lovely valentine card and "I Love you too"

Nicole said...

I love your shrine, Nick! I hope you received our card in the mail to add to your impressive collection!

aunt nicole