Monday, October 8, 2012

Saturday Shopping

This weekend AHRC was closed because it is Columbus Day weekend.  Nick was sad that he could not go to AHRC to play.  Mom and Nick took a ride in the car and did some shopping.  Mom asked Nick if he wanted to go to Target and Nick said yes.

We bought Nick some new clothes for school.  Mom said, "Wow!  You are wearing man sized clothes now!"

After Target mom said, "there is a new Fairway Market in Westbury.  Let's go check it out and do some shopping."

Nick said, "No, no Fairway!"

Mom convinced Nick to come into the store.  He had a moody face when we walked into the store.
But Nick pushed the cart and helped mom do some shopping.  Mom let Nick buy a little tiny pumpkin with a smile face on it.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

What a great helper you are I can use you to help me shop for food so anytime you want to come to Ma. and help. I'm sure mom is very gratful for the help. Love you Nick