Saturday, March 31, 2018

Planting Pansies

Today there was no AHRC, so mom said to Nick, "let's go to the garden center and get some flowers to plant."

We went to the garden center and picked out pansies to put in our flower boxes.
As soon as we got back to the house Nick opened the trunk and took out the flowers and put them on the lawn.  Mom went to get our gloves and garden tools to do the work.
First we had to toss the soil and mix it up so it was fresh for the flowers.
Nick was very happy, he kept taking breaks to jump and clap his hands.  He had a big smile on his face.
Mom was very happy that Nick helped with the planting. 

Here he is putting the flowers in the soil. 

Nick has done this since he was a little boy, and now he is big and a great helper in the garden.

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