Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Long Beach Art Show

On Sunday mommy and Nick went into town to visit The Long Beach Art Show. We go every year. Artists set up booths in Kennedy Plaza in front of City Hall. Some people show pictures, some people show drawings and some people have paintings. Mommy and Nick walk up and down the aisles and look at all of the beautiful art work.

Nick especially loves images of New York City.

We found a booth where a woman named Christina showed her pictures of Long Beach. We spent a lot of time there because Nick loves pictures of Long Beach. She made a book with her pictures and we were looking at the book when Nick saw there was also a little postcard book. Luckily mommy had some money in her pocket so we bought the postcard book.

Then we went to Burger King and we looked at the pictures. Nick especially liked the pictures of the buildings on the Long Beach Boardwalk. He pointed to the pictures and mommy told him the streets and the names of the buildings and Nick repeated them back.

When we came home Nick was playing with his little camera. Mommy said "maybe someday you will make your own book of pictures of Long Beach!"

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