Sunday, September 20, 2009

A San Francisco Shirt and The Golden Gate Bridge

Today, Nick went through mommy's closet and found something she had hidden. It was a box with the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge inside. Grammy had given it to Nick on his birthday, and mommy was saving it as a project to do together.

But Nick found the box and opened it up. He took all the pieces out and put them on the floor. Daddy decided he and Nick would build the bridge together.

When the bridge was all done, mommy reminded Nick that he had a shirt from San Francisco. Aunt Nicole lives there, and a few weeks ago she sent a package with a shirt from Chinatown in San Francisco.

Then Nick looked at his new bridge wearing his new shirt. Mommy told Nick "you are so lucky that Grammy and Aunt Nicole bought you such nice presents!"


Grammy said...

I am so glad you liked my gift of the San Francisco bridge, grammy is going to San Francisco the end of the week and will send you a post card of the bridge and maybe a tee shirt too.

Nicole said...

I love the bridge project, Nick! I had a great visit with Grammy. She has some more gifts for you, of course!

xoxo, aunt nicole