Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Break for Nick

Last week there was no school. It is called Spring Vacation, and mommy showed Nick on the calendar that there would be no school for a lot of days. Mommy and daddy had to go to work, so Lauren took care of Nick.

Lauren and Nick went out in the car to different places. Lauren takes Nick all over Long Beach; to restaurants and the library and the playground.

They went to the Rec Center and Nick played in the pool.

And they went to the beach and Nick played in the sand and got his feet wet in the ocean.

Best of all they went to a place called Bounce. Nick could run and climb and play. There was a big slide and Nick loved running up the stairs and then coming down the slide.

This is a picture of Lauren and Nick at Bounce.

Mommy was remembering a long time ago, Lauren used to take care of Nick when he was little. She helped Nick learn to write.

And they played in the pool at Lauren's building.

And they ate french fries at Burger King.

When mommy comes home from work Nick says "Bye-bye Lauren" to tell her to go home. Lauren is not sad though, she knows that Nick loves her. Lauren was Nick's first real friend.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

What a lucky guy Nick is to have Lauren in his life and to take him all over Long Beach, (but I still think New York City is his favorite) Thank you Lauren for taking such good care of my favorite boy. Nick is so lucky to have so many people love him so much.