Saturday, July 2, 2011

Doctor Visits

One day this week, mommy showed Nick picture schedules. Mommy told Nick that the next day he had three doctor visits.

The first visit we went to see the dentist. Nick sat in the big chair and a lady put a bib over his shirt. She asked Nick if he wanted to play with sunglasses, so Nick put them on.

Then the dentist came in and he pressed a button on the floor and the chair became a bed. Then he cleaned and examined Nick's teeth.

Next we went to another doctor, he checked Nick's blood pressure and heartbeat.

Finally we went to the last doctor, she was the eye doctor. Nick looked at all the equipment in the room, it looked big and scary. Nick did a great job reading letters on the wall.

Then we were all done with doctors. Mommy told Nick he could choose where we went next. Nick said he wanted to go to the sprinkler park, so that's what we did.

Then we came home and had dinner together in the yard. Nick had a very happy face!

Mommy told Nick, "I am so proud of you, what a great job you did today with all those doctor visits!"

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Mom, three doctors in one day, you are so brave Nick.