Sunday, March 22, 2009

Grandpa's Artwork

In October, Nick had his picture taken at school. Mommy bought the pictures and gave them to family, and she gave a picture to grandma and grandpa.

Grandpa liked the picture so much he decided to copy it in a drawing. Grandpa does not have to work anymore and one of the things he likes to do is make beautiful drawings. He spent many weeks working on his drawing of Nick, and then he put it in a picture frame and brought it to us as a present.

Nick looked at the two pictures side by side.

Mommy told Nick we will say thank you to grandpa by writing a story on the computer so lots of people can see this beautiful drawing grandpa made of Nick.

Thank You Grandpa!


Grammy said...

What a great gift from you grandpa it shows how much he loves you. Great picture grandpa.

Nicole said...

Hi Nick! What a special gift you received from Grandpa! He's a talented artist, just like you!

love, AUnt Nicole