Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dr. Lauren

On Sunday we did something different. Mommy, Daddy and Nick put on nice clothes and went to the Ocean Club. We went to a party for Lauren. All of Lauren's friends were there to celebrate her graduation, and Nick went too. Nick helped mommy make a big card with a picture and stickers to give as a present.

Nick looked handsome in his blue shirt and blue pants. We walked into the room and Lauren gave Nick a big hug.

There were lots of people there who knew Nick. Girls gave him big hugs and guys gave him high fives! Nick even danced on the floor with Lauren and daddy and he sat at the bar and drank water from a big cup.

Nick also did good sitting at the table. There was lots of food for Nick to eat. He ate cucumber, grilled cheese sandwich, pineapple and strawberry.

There was a big door leading outside to the beach. Nick loved playing in the sand and was running back and forth on the beach.

Now that Lauren is a doctor she can't take care of Nick anymore. She is going to work at a hospital far away. We will miss her very much.

Everyone was so proud that Nick was a good boy at the party.


Lauren said...

Nick was awesome and everyone was so happy to see the little munchkin! Thank you so much for being there to share this special time in my life with me.

Grammy said...

Congratulation Lauren on becoming a doctor.I know Nick is going to miss you alot, you have been part of his life for a long time. Thank you for loving my favorite guy and being part of his life.I wish you the best.